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Groundbreaking PhD Research in Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Professor Christopher Layton, Clinical Director of the LVF, today welcomed Ms Naushene Sial to the LVF Eye Research Centre team, as she embarks on her PhD journey, delving into the untreatable aspects of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). 

Having completed her Bachelor of Medical Science degree at the University of Canberra, she continued pursuing her dream of curing blindness with an Honours in Science and Technology, focusing on AMD. Professor Layton said Naushene’s journey exemplifies the kind of passion we seek in young researchers and she brings a wealth of knowledge and dedication to our research teams. 

“Her work during her Bachelor’s and Honours studies has deepened her understanding of the complexities of retinal pathologies but also ignited her passion for pushing the boundaries of knowledge through research, and we are excited to see how her current PhD research unfolds.” Professor Layton said.   

Naushene’s research is centered on exploring potential gene therapies for the treatment of the currently untreatable dry, or atrophic form of AMD, a debilitating condition affecting a significant portion of the global population. 

An esteemed authority in the field, Professor Layton expressed his admiration for Naushene’s commitment and potential impact on AMD research. 

“In the early stages of her academic career, Naushene aspires to make meaningful contributions to the field of eye research. Her focus on gene therapies reflects the cutting-edge nature of her work and showcases the LVF Eye Research Centre’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of scientific discovery.” 

Naushene is optimistic that her Ph.D. research will be a crucial step towards the development of a better prognosis for AMD patients worldwide. The LVF Eye Research Centre is proud to support Naushene in her pursuit of groundbreaking discoveries that have the potential to shape the future of AMD treatment. 

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